Reflector Reflections – Ep 43 – Kim 1/3 Reflector talking on Growth & Environments for Business

Today’s beautiful conversation is with Kim Arnesan, a 1 /3 Reflector with the Cross of Tension and the co-creator of Straight Fire and Flow, where along with her business partner, Tara, are Life and Business Mentors. (Tara is an emotional Generator).

In this conversation, we talk about Kim’s journey of self-discovery, her business prowess, the shift she went through in realising that the environment that she thought was her environment, wasn’t actually HER environment, and the discovery of creating her own environment that supports her completely, and allows her to be her true self outside of everyone else’s aura.

This is a great chat for those interested in business and how finding out you are a Reflector and the feeling that you can’t do it all, well, Kim proves to us YOU CAN!

xx Annie

Kim’s contact details are:

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