Month: March 2023

Reflector Reflections – Ep 43 – Kim 1/3 Reflector talking on Growth & Environments for Business

Today’s beautiful conversation is with Kim Arnesan, a 1 /3 Reflector with the Cross of Tension and the co-creator of Straight Fire and Flow, where along with her business partner, Tara, are Life and Business Mentors. (Tara is an emotional Generator). In this conversation, we talk about Kim’s journey of self-discovery, her business prowess, the…

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Reflector Reflections – Ep 42 – Catch-up’s with Karishma – 1/3 Reflector

Today’s beautiful catchup conversation is with Karishma, a 1/3 Reflector residing in Singapore. Karishma and I last chatted in 2021 on episode 4, so we take a little time catching up with each other and feeling into 2022. Karishma shares the ebbs and flows of her past year, how she still uses Human Design personally…

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Reflector Reflections – Ep 41 – Coming off the roof as a 6th line with Jody

Today’s beautiful conversation is with Jody, a 6/2 Reflector residing in New Zealand. In this episode, we feel into Jody’s 6/2 journey, the experience of her first 3rd year, the trials, the tribulations and then finding Human Design after she was in the middle of being on the roof (2nd phase of her 6th line)….

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Reflector Reflections – Ep 40 – Ell – 5/1 Reflector – Astrology & Human Design

Today’s beautiful conversation is with Ell, The Astrologer, a gorgeous fellow 5 / 1 Reflector – A student of the stars, maiden of magick, alchemy and anarchy. Ell is the curator of the Stellar Sanctum where she shares her wisdom, writings, readings, masterclasses and ebooks with the world. In this episode we explore Ell’s journey…

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