
Let’s chat Mental Projectors and Reflectors and share Steve’s story in finding Human Design

Today’s beautiful conversation is with Steve Rose Steve is a 5/1 Mental Projector with the Cross of Dedication. Outside of Human Design Steve is a Neuro Muscular Therapist & Master Body Healer through his business, Body Solutions. Steve also resides in my hometown here in Queensland Australia. In this episode, we talk to Steve about…

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Human Design Reflector Mom’s & Business Owners who are purposefully aligned – 5th Line Chats

Today’s beautiful conversation is with Jillian. Jillian is a 5/2 Reflector with the Cross of Indentification. She’s also a Yoga Therapist and Soul Purpose (Dharma) Coach within her business, Purposefully Aligned. In our chat we talk into Jillian’s journey with Human Design and finding out she was a Reflector. We talk into parenting, sobriety, and…

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Reflector Reflections – Hello from Prague with Michaela – Human Design Reflectors chatting

SOUND WARNING I have had to tweak the sound a little as Michaela was a little soft to hear** Today’s beautiful conversation is with Michaela. Michaela is a fellow 5/1 Reflector and an amazing artist. She’s a Quad left with the Cross of Upheaval. Michaela is coming to us from Prague with English as her…

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Human Design Reflectors – Embracing our Messy, Embodied, Female selves with 2/5 Anaelle

Today’s beautiful conversation is with Anaelle, a 2/5 Reflector with the Cross of Tension. Anaelle is a Well being guide who helps humans gain self confidence and self love. She’s also the co-host of the podcast FUKIT, that she has with her partner of 13 years where they share their own stories. In our conversation…

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Annie’s Human Design Reflector VLOG – Navigating my process and empowering my creative flow

Hi, I’m Annie, a 5/1 Reflector. In this personal VLOG episode I am sharing some insights into my process, my Cross of Distraction, the journey of self and my AH-HAH moments of clarity with finding my own patterning through my unique cycles. I talk here into how I am freeing myself up from some business…

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Reflector’s Parenting by Design – A conversation between Laci (2/4) and Annie (5/1)

In this episode, Laci returns and we chat into Parenting as Reflectors. This is a long episode as we just speak into the space of our own journeys of being Mother’s as well as share our experiences of what has helped us navigate parenting the other types as Human Design Reflectors. Laci also shares some…

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Reflector Reflections -ALOHA with Marco 3/5 Human Design Reflector, Energy and Biomechanics

Today’s beautiful conversation is with Marco, who is a 3/5 Reflector with the Cross of Rulership. Marco has been a student of Reiki (achieving the title and rank of master teacher), Music, Derobio Eskrima (filipino martial arts), Human Design and BioMechanics. In our conversation we explore Marco’s entry into Human Design and how he has…

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Reflector Reflections – Conversations with Cammie & Annie – 2 Reflector 5/1’s born 1 hour apart

Today’s beautiful conversation is with Cammie, a fellow 5/1 Reflector with the Cross of Distraction. Cammie and I are born 1 hour apart by UTC times and are what we call, Reflector Twins. Cammie was born in the States and I was born here in Australia. Our charts are 99% similar, with the following differences,…

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Reflector Reflections – Community Spotlight with Sarah Wilder – a 4/6 Glorious Generator

In this series, we are showcasing guests in the Human Design community and bringing recognition to them, in the work they do in the Human Design space and get to know them a little better in how they experiment and navigate their unique design. Today’s beautiful conversation is with Sarah Wilder. Sarah is a Quad…

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Australia’s first Human Design Conference – curated by Reflectors

Today’s conversation is with Amber Clements and I as we share what we’re up to here in Australia in bringing our first ever Human Design Conference here to Australia and share our personal journey of working together as 2 Reflectors. We’re so grateful to be supported by BodyGraphChart  @bodygraphchart  and Kip Winsett  @humandesignsystempro  who are…

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