Reflector Reflections – Episode 27 – Tricia Carr – Expanding Consciousness with Nature + Spirit

Today’s beautiful conversation is with, Tricia Carr.

Tricia brings so much to this conversation and it was so wonderful to connect with her and sit in space with this fellow lunar being. As one Empath to another, this was MAGICAL.

We’re all empaths as Reflectors and even though our life purpose isn’t always to delve into the spiritual aspects of life and nurture others that way… there are a lot of us doing this, and Tricia really talks to us about this as someone who has embraced this and is using this in her life and her business.

Thank you Tricia for your wisdom, your love and your guidance. We appreciate you!

Reflector Reflections in its flow…

*there are edits in this podcast due to my coughing so it may appear a little jumpy.

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