Reflector Reflections – Hello from Prague with Michaela – Human Design Reflectors chatting

SOUND WARNING I have had to tweak the sound a little as Michaela was a little soft to hear**

Today’s beautiful conversation is with Michaela. Michaela is a fellow 5/1 Reflector and an amazing artist. She’s a Quad left with the Cross of Upheaval.

Michaela is coming to us from Prague with English as her second (third) language, so we are taking this episode slow and just feeling into the energy.

We talk into Michaela’s journey in finding Human Design and being a Reflector as well as some challenges with finding information that she can understand that isn’t in English. We also talk into finding and connecting with a community that assists us in discovering more about ourselves.

As an artist, Michaela shares her deep desire to have her art energetically connected around the world, and I hope that this little space in the world gifts her that.

Please enjoy this episode and the bravery it has taken Michaela to sit in space with me and share a part of herself in a different language.

If you are in Europe and would like to connect with Michaela, she welcomes you in.

xx Annie


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